Claire Davies Claire Davies

Autoimmune Conditions

An autoimmune disease develops when the immune system fails to recognise self from non-self and mounts an immunologic response damaging its own tissues.

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Claire Davies Claire Davies

Lower Back Pain & Muscular Injury

Approximately 80% of adults will experience lower back pain in their lifetime. Structured exercise is an effective intervention to reduce the reoccurrence and improve symptoms during a flare up of lower back pain. Chronic lower back pain can lead to depressive episodes and reduced quality of life.

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Claire Davies Claire Davies

Osteoarthritis & Rheumatoid Arthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) results in joint stiffness, pain and impaired function. Knee and hip OA represent two of the most common causes of disability in the world. The inflammatory presentation and persistent episodes or flare-ups of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) result in pain and stiffness, leading to progressive joint deformities and loss of function.

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Claire Davies Claire Davies

Age-Related Gait Decline & Falls Prevention

Research has found that 42% of falls can be prevented by specific exercise protocols and exercises that involve balance challenges and that are undertaken frequently 
(ie. More than 2 hours per week for a period of 6 months).

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Claire Davies Claire Davies

Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

For every 20/10mmHg increase in blood pressure above 115/70mmHg, there is twice the increase of cardiovascular disease risk. Alarmingly, depression is highly prevalent in cardiac patients. 20-40% experience major depression, contributing to the development and progression of their condition, reducing quality of life and life expectancy.

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Claire Davies Claire Davies

Women’s Health

Exercise medicine is an important tool used to support women’s health through all stages of life (from menses to menopause). Specific prescription for PCOS, Endometriosis and Chronic Pelvic Pain can be used to support both physical and emotional wellbeing, reduce pain and improve overall quality of life. Prescription during and post pregnancy supports the healthy growth of a baby and promote recovery post birth.

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Claire Davies Claire Davies

Mental Health

Exercise medicine prescription is an important tool used for the prescription of 
mental illness including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The recognition of mental and physical health combined is important for exercise medicine intervention.

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Claire Davies Claire Davies

Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome is a cluster of conditions caused by abdominal obesity. Hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol may result. Metabolic Syndrome increases the risk, prevalence and development of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

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Claire Davies Claire Davies


Type 1: An autoimmune disease resulting in the self-destruction of the pancreatic 
beta-cells, causing insulin deficiency (Colberg, et al. 2016).

Type 2: A progressive lifestyle disease where the body is unable to produce enough or is resistant to insulin, effecting how the body is able to process glucose.

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Claire Davies Claire Davies


The Clinical Oncology Society of Australia (COSA) calls for exercise to be embedded as part of standard practice in cancer care and to be viewed as an adjunct therapy that helps counteract the adverse effects of cancer and its treatment.

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Claire Davies Claire Davies


The impact and management of Long-COVID continues to be updated as new research, outcomes and data is achieved. The impact of a COVID-19 diagnosis can have long-lasting effects, with symptoms varying across all body symptoms. Long-COVID is believed to occur in 5% of non-hospitalised people diagnosed with COVID-19, while 80% of those hospitalised will develop Long-COVID.

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Claire Davies Claire Davies

Neurological Disorders

Research has found that an exercise protocol consisting of both cardiovascular 
and resistance based exercises can improve the functional capacity and therefore the quality of life of clients with neurological conditions (such as Parkinson’s and MND).

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