Click here for more information on the our recent 2022 nomination.


Chronic Care Australia wins Primary Care Award at the international Value Based Health Care Prize, 2021.


Chronic Care Australia has been recognised for its integrated Exercise as Medicine treatment plan to prevent and manage mental and physical chronic conditions.

Thanks to decades of research and advances in the field of exercise medicine and epidemiology, we now know that exercise is a highly effective means of treating the symptoms of Australia’s top eight chronic conditions including; cancer, coronary heart disease, depression, anxiety, PTSD, arthritis, lung disease, chronic musculoskeletal lower back pain, Type 2 Diabetes and obesity.

These are conditions that affect almost every family in Australia economically or socially. Whether it be directly as a person with one of these conditions or indirectly as a carer or family member of someone with one of these conditions.

Given the current demands on Australia’s healthcare system to deliver effective mental health treatment solutions and the growing pressure and cost of increasing chronic disease condition presentations to GPs and emergency departments.

Our community-based service offering, that treats both mental and physical chronic conditions concurrently using the most cost effective and highest health care value service intervention is a very relevant recipient of this recognition.

We are hopeful that this award will help us realise our objective of reducing the financial and social burden of Chronic disease by establishing both virtual and physical clinics that can deliver effective, efficient, high health care value chronic disease services to all Australians.